
health center

Getting an innovative project the attention it deserves.


Medicine in minutes

After creating the winning proposal for the Brooklyn Health Center project, Francis Cauffman began the design process for this innovative building. The goal was to create a clinic that provided members of the hotel workers union with all their needed healthcare services in one place. All visits would take less than an hour and have no wait time. Major milestones in the project’s life required a variety of different marketing pieces.



Brooklyn Health Center is constructed on a base that contains a series of folds. To emulate this key feature, information about the project was hidden beneath renderings of the building.



As a nod to the building’s concept of a jeweled red form inside a glass container, the card’s interior is bright red with a simple white cover.



To celebrate the hard work of everyone involved, a book was produced that encapsulated the entire design process with new, streamlined diagrams.



Additional diagrams were produced to help convey some of the project’s more innovative features.